William's World

This is a weblog for my son William so anyone can check on how he is doing.

Monday, August 14, 2006

William has his bottle

William participates in one of his favourite activities.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

William Comes Home

William came home from the hospital today. He wouldn't feed properly so that is the reason why he had to stay in hospital for a few days. Bec and I have decided to bottle feed him and he seems to be having no problem with this, he takes his bottle really well and he's already put on a bit of weight. The car journey on the way home didn't bother him in the slightest and he slept all the way.

He also started getting his first visitors today.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

William arrived

William has been born, he is slightly late as he was supposed to arrive on the 28th of July. His dad was also born two weeks late so it must run in the family.

Bec did brilliantly, she has been in the hospital since Tuesday as the labour had to be induced. The waters broke and the contractions started at around 6pm yesterday after the final pessary was administered by Dr Brutal. Bec didn't much care for Dr Brutal as he had a very heavy handed approach to his job and she would cower under the bedsheets whenever she heard footsteps and it was his time to visit.

Bec also didn't care much for the monitoring straps she had to wear and would try and take them off at every opportunity. She did do very well during the labour which only lasted around 1 and a 3 quarter hours and she managed only with gas and air and a single pethedin injection. She did ask for an Epidural towards the end as the pain increased but it was to late by than. I also had a few goes on the gas and air to calm my nerves, it was a similar feeling to drinking a few double vodkas but only lasted a few minutes. I was quite pleased that the labour was so short as it was a bit upsetting to see Bec in pain but there was nothing I could do apart from be there and try and give her some support.

It was certainly all worth it when William popped out, the cord was wrapped around his neck so Kate the midwife had to cut the cord and Bec gave a final push and out he popped. He looked a little bit blue but everything was fine and we were both really relieved. Bec looked a bit shell shocked at first when she was first given William and I had a few tears in my eyes as it was a moving moment. About half an hour later I had my first hold of William and I was a bit all finger and thumbs as you worry about dropping them or holding them to tight. He opened his eyes and seem to be looking around and I wondered what he must be thinking, it must be a really weird experience for him let alone for us. He was then weighed by the midwife and he was 6 pounds 14 oz or 3.19 kilos for all you metric people.

This video was taken 7 minutes after William was born.

I left Bec and William at the hospital at around 4am as I felt really tired and I drove home feeling in awe of the whole experience.